Call for Papers
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Automotive system/software architecture (Architecture description languages, experiences of applying AUTOSAR standard, integration of software and hardware components, communication infrastructures etc.)
- Automotive software quality
- Automotive software safety
- Automotive component-based software engineering
- Model-based automotive software development
- Automotive software engineering techniques
- Automotive reverse engineering
- Software engineering techniques for autonomous driving vehicles (processing big data generated from all the sensors in the autonomous driving cars, …)
- Software engineering techniques for hybrid and fully electric vehicles
- Novel software engineering approaches in automotive SE (e.g. continuous integration, software ecosystems)
Papers can be submitted in the following categories:- Full papers (8 pages) presenting novel research ideas, significant empirical studies, successful industrial applications, or important perspectives.
- Industrial papers (4 pages) sharing industrial experience, challenges, research or technical problems, case studies.
- Position or future trend papers (4 pages) raising new ideas, challenges, ongoing research or early research results, and future trends.
An extended version of the selected best papers will be published in a special section of the "e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal (EISEJ)"